With our great pleasure, we announce 2023 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber, and Information System (ICIMCIS) is organized by UPN Veteran Jakarta, Faculty of Computer Science in conjunction with two others national conferences of SEINASI-KESI and SENABDIKOM at Jakarta, Indonesia during November, 2023. This year conference’s theme is “A New Paradigm of Digital Transformation Blockchain and IoT for Society 5.0″.
The 2023 International Conference of Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber, and Information System (ICIMCIS) is a scientific meeting in the field of international information and Communication technology (ICT), wherein researchers and practitioners can disseminate the results of their current researches and discuss current issues in the field especially problems in the informatics, multimedia learning, cybernetics, and information system. The conference is also a forum for gathering ideas from thinkers who can be pure and applied thoughts. Some researchers who will disseminate the results of their research come from various well-known universities in Indonesia and abroad.
Through this international conference, it is expected to be a forum for lecturers, teachers, researchers and practitioners in the field of information and communication technology from all over Indonesia and universities abroad, in exchanging information about the results of the latest research they have done. This national conference is also expected to be able to assist local governments in the success of the information security development program.
Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements, will be published in the the International Conference Proceedings Series by IEEE (ISBN: 978-1-7281-2930-3), which will be archived in the IEEE, and submitted for indexing by Scopus
- The conference proceedings of ICIMCIS 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 has been published in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Scopus.
Open Submit
2 April 2023
Final Submit
27 August 2023
Final Acceptance Announcement
10 September 2023
6 October 2023
Registration & Payment
10 September – 20 October 2023
Final Camera Ready
15 September 2023
16 October 2023